
September 23-2018

by Liam B

Movemeent at Cardigan

Blue group >
Day 1 of the three day cardigan experience was merely the introduction. We began the day by all collecting in the back of the high school. Later on we boarded the bus and moved from the highschool to the AMC lodge. Later that day we unloaded from the bus and played games with the AMC members. After that we quickly got settled in and started on a trail that in about in hour lead us to the nearby waterfall. The waterfall was gorgeous and showed immense beauty that only nature can. The sharp decline of the waterfall lead out to a river. Next to the top of the waterfall were smoothed boulders that had man made cavernous almost edges, that looked out to the waterfall. We hiked back eventually and had dinner at the AMC lodge.

KEY: The underlined words referenced to movement, one of the themes of geography. How is this a representation of movement? You might ask. This shows movement because it tells you that all the kids are going TO the lodge. The words moved and to is a dead giveaway that something went or is going somewhere. Movement is the theme of geography that explains the movement of people, trade, things, or ideas.

There were other objects moving to and from cardigan. The clementines they supplied for the trip that day were most likely not produced in New Hampshire. This means they probably came from Florida, California, etc. this also means that they had to have MOVED FROM the place they were produced in. We would also probably ship maple syrup TO them in exchange. Another To and From example was when I my counselor told me that she was arridinaly from Colorado. This means she had to come FROM Colorado. This brings up a point that is a big part of Movement, tourism. It shows both to and from. You have to go to somewhere and then come from somewhere to get back.