Day 3

September 25-2018

by: Liam B

Human Environment Interaction at Cardigan

Blue group p p Blue group

The third and final day of our adventures at cardigan was a dreary, wet and cold day. We began it with a warm breakfast consisting of french toast bacon and cantalope. After our filling dinner we collected ourselves and went of on yet another journey. This time dto the nearbye pond. There we talked about mackro invertebretes and how they survuve we also talked about how diverse such a small pond can be after we caught many creatures. I learned the possibilities of creatures in the pond and discovered for myslef how unique they all were. I also learned that all of the creatures have a gob to fulfifill in the small ecosystem for it to suceaad and prosper. Later that day we wallked to a river and syoped there sketch and talk about the types of life that could live at the river and the types of ecosystems that would live there we discovered the tempature of the river and pulled out a chart on wich being like what tempature water and did more studies on the river as well. After that we came back to the lodge, reorganized, then went out on a nature walk. We eventualy came back to the lodge, had lunch and were off. While I was on the buss though I recalled the thought of imagining the amount of exaust being let out by the massive vehicle. The thought was horrific and I later relized that we are practicaly killing ourselves. Before you know it our world we be so poluted I cant even think of it. Just imagine how much waste is being poluted ito the oceans, how much exauste is exaporationg into our air, and the amount of natural resources were are deminishing. This is an example of Human Environment Interaction. It is one of the five themes of geography. It shows the way humans and our ecosytem-whether animals, resources, etc. cooperate or interact.