Day 2 During Ryan's Awesome Cardigan Mountain Trip

September 29, 2019

By Ryan S.

Yellow Group, D2B2

During Day 2 on Cardigan Mountain, we saw lots of Human Environment Interaction. There was the fire tower at the top of Cardigan Mountain. Short history lesson. There was a fire on Cardigan Mountain. It started on Firescrew Mountain as a fiery tornado. It spread onto Cardigan Mountain.All of the vegetation was burned away. The vegetation at the bottom of the mountains regrew. But at the top of the two (2) mountains, only a little of it regrew. Anyway, the fire tower alerts a fire crew and they put out the fire. Problem solved. The environment changed us by making us build bear boxes and drains in the trails. Plus the stairs on steep trails. A bear box is a steel box that latches closed to keep the bears out of a tent campers food. The drains make sure that the trail doesn’t flood. The stairs help people climb steep parts of trails easier.


I drew an abandoned path for a Frame Activity.

I think this was a stick with a bird nest on top.

I think this was a dead stump near the top of the mountain.

This is a sketch I made on the top of Cardigan Mountain.

This is a moose track that one of the chaperones found.

This is an activity that we did and I sketched this tree.

This is a stalk of Shining Club Moss. One of my groups hikers found it.

Then our hiking group leader explained that Shining Club Moss is a type of Princess Pine.

This is a sketch of a piece of bark.

This is two (2) sketches. The one on the top is a piece of moss. The bottom one is a stalk of Princess Pine.