First Day at Cardigan

November 2 2017

Blue group

Rose F

Cardigan Day One

On the first day of the Cardigan trip we all had to meet at the Hopkinton high school so that we could all get on the bus together. Once we got to the high school we loaded our stuff in Mr.Woolners trailer then got on the bus and left. On our way we saw rivers, farm houses, a small town and the mountain peaks. Right as we got to the AMC lodge one of the guides came on the bus and said to meet him in the large field next to the lodge, so we unloaded and went to the field and played a game before we could unpack in our room. Then we went upstairs to unpack for a few minutes. Then they said that we had to go back down to the field to tell us what group we are in. I was in Scots group. Then we were heading on our first hike.

Right as we started to hike there were signs everywhere. They were saying where you were going and how far you might want to go. So I think that would be an example of humans changing the environment. Then we stopped to sketch club moss which were little tiny moss bush things that were green that had yellow seeds. Then eventually we were at our destination a beaver pond. There were 2 lodges and one dam. Then when I looked in the water I saw a huge beatle. Then I poked it with a stick so I was interacting with the environment. Then we headed back to the lodge.

Once we were back at the lodge we had time to hang out in our rooms then it was time for dinner. So I got hot chocolate and two tacos. And for dessert we had brownies so I had one. Then they told us what ort was and how to do it. Ort is the leftovers that you had that they gave to pigs. The first day I had not ort.

We were at Cardigan for 3 days Sunday Monday Tuesday.

We were at Cardigan for 3 days Sunday Monday Tuesday.