Rose F

Day two

Day two

The first thing that I did when I got up was going a brush my teeth. Then we went downstairs so that we could have breakfast we had french toast and a bunch of fruit. And we ended up getting three plates of it because Lincoln had around one and .5 plates himself. After breakfast we went upstairs and got ready to go on the big hike up to Cardigan Mountain. Then once we were done we left to go outside to the firepit where we would meet our guide Scott. And Mr. Bennett was there as our 2 helper.

Then once we're done talking we started to hike. The first thing I saw was firns lots and lots of ferns there was whole region filled with ferns. After walking for a while we stopped to play a game it was you getting blindfolded and and having your partner taking you then making you hug a tree then walk away from it then taking the blindfold off and then you have to find it. My tree was a red spruce.In the region we were in there was a region filled with red spruce trees and white birch. And Avas tree was a white birch. Then we had to follow the trail marker to get the top fo Cardigan. Then we had to climb this huge hill to get to a little bit closer to the peak of firescreen we were pritty far away from the lodge where we were we could see it.It was about a mile away. Then we made it to a small peak were there were a bunch of huge rocks. Around the rocks were lots and lots of spruce trees that whoel region was filled with spruce trees. Then we were finally at the top of Firescrew we only had to go across the saddle to get to the top of Cardigan.On the saddle there was a huge area filled with clubmoss. Then we went through the saddle and saw trail marks on the rocks because there were no trees so that is how they mark the trail. Then I saw this huge mud pit which we all went crazy in. then if you look out in the distance you could see newfound lake and lake Winnipesaukee. Then Scott pointed out mt. Kearsarge and Mt. Washington. But I was too busy looking at the view I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and I tripped on a rock and fell on my stomach. Then we finally made it to the top of Cardigan after going through the saddle and seeing spruce cedar and a balsam fir on the way up. We stayed at the top of Cardigan for about an hour and looked at the view. Then we headed back on the way we stopped at the high Cabbin and talked gossip while sitting on the bunk beds. Then we left and went over a river then we were finally back at the lodge.

When we were back we had 15 minutes for free time then it was dinner time, so we had dinner which was lasagna. Then we had lemon cake as dessert. After we had hot chocolate then went upstairs then we got called down stairs for a story so we listened to some stories and went to bed.

We were at Cardigan for 3 days Sunday Monday Tuesday.

We were at Cardigan for 3 days Sunday Monday Tuesday.