My Adventures at Cardigan

September 26-28 2018

by Steph

Blue group D1B1

Absolute Location: The Fire tower on the summit of Mount Cardigan is located west of newfound lake in Alexandria New Hampshire and SW of Plymouth. Orange NH is located NW of Alexandria, Grafton is SW, Danbury is N, Hill is SE, Bristol is E, Hebron is NE, and Groton is N. The summit of Cardigan Mountain has a latitude of 43° 38 minutes 58.4 seconds North and a longitude of 71° 54 minutes 51.8 seconds West and an elevation of 3157 feet. The fire tower on the summit Mount Cardigan is located in the NE corner of Alexandria.

Relative Location: Cardigan mountain is located in Alexandria NH near newfound lake, the Pemigewasset river and Plymouth. The neighboring towns are Orange, Grafton, Danbury, Hill, Bristol, Hebron and Groton. Cardigan is next to Fire screw mountain also in Alexandria NH.

Physical: Cardigan Mountain has a lot of physical attributes within the mountain range. Some attributes are rock summits on both fire screw and cardigan lots and lots of trees. Also it has Weston falls and small streams coming down both mountains. Both mountains have trees all the way up to the summit. Cardigan mountain is located in Alexandria NH. The neighboring towns are Orange, Grafton, Danbury, Hill, Bristol, Hebron and Groton. The part of Alexandria is very forestay.

Cultural: Some cultural attributes are The AMC lodge located at the base of both mountains. Another attribute is the old rope tow and rusted car located on the top of a hill in a meadow a 1-minute walk from the lodge. The rope tow was brought by people from the west for downhill skiing, the rope tow would pull you up the hill. Also the fire pit is a cultural object at cardigan. Some other objects are the old semi fallen rock seller located on the way to Weston falls from a long long time ago. Lastly another element of Cardigan mountain is the fire tower on the top.

We were at the AMC lodge on the base of Cardigan Mountain for three days: Wednesday , Thursday and Friday

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