Home Day 2 Day 3

Day 1

By Steph E

Blue Group

September 26th 2018

Movement on Day 1

On Day 1 of the Cardigan trip we got to school and hoped on a bus and headed to the AMC lodge on the base of mount Cardigan in Alexandria NH. This was an example of movement of people because we drove from our town to Alexandria. That day my group hiked to Weston Falls. Also the movement of ideas was modeled because the ideas of the educators was brought from where they lived some from the west or other places along the Appalachian trail. Lastly we modeled the movement of objects or things when we arrived at the AMC lodge because of all cloths and other items we brought along. To get to the falls you had to cross a stream and one of my group members fell in. After we saw the falls from the trail end and took some sketches we got to go above it. At a part when the trailhead went around and down to see the waterfall we went the other way to a rock ledge were you could look over a railing and you would be over top the waterfall. On our way back we played a game called “Find the brown colored Pencil” we had an area of land and we had to try and find the pencil. Just before the lodge we stopped to sketch an old home seller. We got to the lodge early so we took an independent hike in the wood sand eventually met up with out educator. That night my bunk room was in hysterics for sometimes no apparent reason right before bed.