Day 1

By: Izzy A.

Color Group: Blue

September 26, 2018

Cardigan Day 1 - Human Environmental Interaction

On the first day of my Cardigan trip, after a long bus ride to the Cardigan lodge, we went on a small nature walk and did a pond study. During the nature walk, we stopped and identified many different plants. One plant that we found, called hobble bush, is a small plant with huge round leaves. It is a harmless plant aside from the fact that it grows like a vine across the ground. This is inconvenient because when there were carriage trails going through the Cardigan forest area, horses would trip over the hobble bush and knock their riders off. Many who knew of this issue, went and cut the vines. However, now that horse drawn carriages are no longer on the Cardigan trails, the hobble bush is not an issue. Another example of human evnvironmental interaction is people in the rain. After hiking a bit more, it began to rain. This caused us to have to put our raincoats on. After the nature walk was over we went to the pond across from the lodge. In the pond we found lots of different small organisms. The organism that we found the most of was the dragonfly nymph. After observing the organisms in little containers and returning them to the pond, we then tested the pH of the water and determined whether or not the water was healthy. Finally, we determined that the water condition was good, and a perfect environment for all of the little creatures living below the surface. After that we went back to the lodge, and hung out with friend, until dinner. Once we were full of delicous food we participated in a few different activities, and then listened to one of Mr. Woolner's stories before finally going to bed.

Thursday, Friday and Cardigan Index