Day 2

By: Izzy A.

Color Group: Blue

September 27, 2018

In the morning after getting all ready for the day, we headed downstairs to have some delicious hot chocolate and breakfast. We then got started on the day's long hike. We hiked to the summit of Firescrew and Mt. Cardigan. On this long trek we passed through many different zones, or regions. We started in the hardwood zone, which was where there were a lot of big sturdy trees, such as maple and oak trees. By the time we were about half way up the mountain we entered the Borealis Zone, which is where the tree population starts to thin because of the elevation. In this area we encountered many birch trees and spruce trees. Later, once we were almost at the summit we entered the Alpine Zone where there were very few trees and the trees that were there were small and thin. On the way down from Mt. Cardigan, we then hiked through these zones again, and then we finally ended back in the hardwood zone, where the cozy Cardigan lodge was waiting for us to enjoy another fun night. Once we were all out of our sweaty hiking clothes, we relaxed for a bit and then ate another delicious dinner. For our night activity, we all went outside by the fire, where we did different skits, and listened to Gretchen's story. Her story was about a boy who found a word written on his desk. He traveled through many different regions to find out what this word was. Until finally, when he was heading to Canada by canoe on a river, he drowned. The moral of the story is to always where a lifejacket, especially in dangerous river regions.

Wednesday, Friday and Cardigan Index